Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I want to be a billionaire so freakin' bad.....

You may hear your students humming or singing the popular hit Billionaire by Travie McCoy and Bruno Mars, but do they even understand the concept of a million? Books such as How Much is a Million and If you Made a Million by David M. Schwartz can help children begin to grasp the magnitude of such a large number.

Teaching Tip
Rather than give you my own teaching tips, today I want to point you to
The Magic of a Million Activity Book, by David M Schwartz and David J Whitin, that is available as a free download. It is chock full of activities and reproducibles that will have your students exploring the concept of a million in concrete ways.

[A word of caution: Please do not interpret my attempt to be current and witty as an endorsement for using the song Billionaire in the classroom. While the chorus is catchy, the other lyrics are explicit and inappropriate for classroom use.]

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